Serbien: Radioaktiver Gegenstand an der Grenze - 3 Kroaten festgenommen

Begonnen von DG0MG, 08. März 2023, 18:43

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩

"Die serbische Polizei hat bei drei kroatischen Reisenden am serbischen Grenzübergang Bezdan einen radioaktiv strahlenden Gegenstand gefunden. "
"Die drei Kroaten seien mit ihrer Ladung aufgefallen, als spezielle Detektoren am Grenzübergang Bezdan auf das radioaktive Material anschlugen."
"Das Vorhandensein von einer "ernsthaften Menge" an radioaktivem Material bzw. eine hohe Strahlung soll demnach von Sensoren am Grenzübergang detektiert worden sein."

Nun will man natürlich mal mehr wissen, und schaut sich das in verschiedenen Artikeln genannte lokale Portal näher an. Tatsächlich findet man dort die Info, um was es sich gehandelt hat:

"Capital media N1  gibt an, dass die Zollverwaltung dank der Tatsache, dass Radioaktivitätsdetektoren zur obligatorischen Ausrüstung jedes Zollbeamten gehören, am Fahrzeug wurde am Grenzübergang Bezdan entdeckt. Dann wurden im Kofferraum, im Platz für das Reserverad, ein nicht deklarierter Metallkopf des Blitzableiters und ein Gerät zur Messung der Zusammensetzung des Metalls gefunden, auf das der Handdetektor zur Messung ionisierender Strahlung reagierte - heißt es in der Ankündigung."

Da waren Freaks am Werk.
Eine Blitzableiterspitze (Ra-226?) und vielleicht ein Röntgenfluoreszenzmessgerät?

"Bling!": Irgendjemand Egales hat irgendetwas Egales getan! Schnell hingucken!


In Ex-Jugoslawien wurden in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren viele Blitzableiter mit Co-60 und Eu-152 (Aktivität jeweils 37 GBq - 74 GBq) zur Erzeugung von Ionenschutzschirmen um Gebäudekomplexe auf denselben aufgestellt.
Sie stellten schon in bzw. nach den Balkankriegen der 1990er Jahren durch Gebäudezerstörungen u.a. eine Gefahr für die UN-Truppen und der KFOR dar.

Beim Röntgenfluoreszensgerät könnte es sich um ein Gerät mit einer eingebauten Am-241 oder Cd-109 Anregungsquelle handeln, wobei ersteres wegen der Halbwertszeit wahrscheinlicher ist.



So schauen die Dinger aus! Man beachte die Aktivität, sowas will ich nicht auf dem Dach!!! :o , bei 10mCi schlafe ich dann im Keller und nehme ein paar Bq Radon in Kauf!


Zitat von: Curium am 08. März 2023, 20:38So schauen die Dinger aus!...
Dies ist nur eine Variante!

Hier einige Modelle, welche vor allem in der Schweiz, in Frankreich, Luxemburg, Belgien, Niederlande, Spanien und Italien aufgestellt wurden:

"  Paratonnerres radioactifs
Paratonnerres radioactifs

Jusqu'au milieu des années 1980, des paratonnerres munis d'une ou plusieurs sources radioactives, telles que le Radium-226, l'Americium-241 ou le Krypton-85, étaient disponibles dans le commerce. On estime à plusieurs milliers le nombre d'appareils de ce type qui ont été placés en Belgique. Ils surmontent la plupart du temps des immeubles, des appartements ou des constructions hautes comme des clochers ou des pylônes. On les retrouve aussi sporadiquement sur des habitations privées.

L'installation d'un nouveau paratonnerre radioactif est interdite depuis octobre 1985 (voir art. 64.1, d, de l'A.R. du 20 juillet 2001 (This hyperlink opens a new window) (This hyperlink opens a new window) et l'A.R. du 24 janvier 2006)."

( )


In GOOGLE mal paratonnerre radioactif eingeben und auf Bilder und Videos gehen!



(mit zwei Photos)

"Serbia Posts English    08.03.2023

    Serbia Posts English
    Breaking News

There are 570 radioactive lightning rods in Serbia
Breaking News
Geist Breaking News a day ago
There are 570 radioactive lightning rods in Serbia

It turned out that the head of the lightning rod was being worked on, and "Blic" contacted the Directorate for Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security of Serbia in order to find out how dangerous these "radioactive elements" are.

Flash recommends

"In the late evening hours on Saturday, March 4, 2023, the inspection for radiation nuclear safety and security of the Directorate was informed that an elevated level of radioactivity was detected in a passenger car by customs and border police officers at GP Bezdan. On Sunday, March 5, the inspection carried out extraordinary field inspection supervision at the location and determined that it is a source of radiation from a radioactive lightning rod – it is stated in the response to "Blic" of the Directorate for Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security of Serbia and adds:

"In accordance with the powers prescribed by the Law, the inspection hired the authorized legal entity INN Vinča, which on the same day placed the found source under control and handed it over for further storage in the central warehouse at JP NOS. Through additional measurements, it was established that, after the removal of the radioactive source, there is no additional contamination of vehicles and locations".

Photo: Customs Administration

As they further state, the Directorate cannot advertise any additional information related to the mentioned event at this time in order not to interfere with the investigation, and in order to ensure the conditions for the procedural authorities to carry out their work in accordance with their competences.

Radioactive lightning rods

During the 1960s and 1970s, radioactive lightning rods were placed on a large number of public institutions, commercial and agricultural facilities and locations, as well as residential buildings. At that time, the installation of radioactive lightning rods as an integral part of the lightning protection system was a common practice.

– Production of closed radiation sources for radioactive lightning rods began in the 1960s at the Institute of Nuclear Sciences in Vinča. In the beginning, sources of cobalt-60 (Co-60) were installed in radioactive lightning rods, to be replaced later, in the seventies of the last century, by sources of europium-152,154 (Eu-152/Eu-154). These sources were then incorporated into three different types of radioactive lightning rods that were assembled by three different companies in the Republic of Serbia – the Directorate reports to "Blic".

Following the recommendations of expert international bodies and organizations in 1981, the installation of radioactive lightning rods was prohibited by the Law on Radiation Protection and Special Safety Measures in the Use of Nuclear Energy.

– At the time of their installation, radioactive lightning rods were a very effective means of defense against natural disasters. Radioactive lightning rods have proven over time to be a potential danger to the environment and the health of citizens in the event of their falling or being dismantled by an unauthorized person. In addition, the working principle of this type has been overcome by technologically more modern lightning protection solutions – the Directorate states.

There are 570 radioactive lightning rods in our country

As they further point out for "Blic", radioactive lightning rods do not pose a danger to the environment if they are installed correctly. In the event that the radioactive lightning rod is not located in the intended place, it can represent a potential danger to persons who are in direct contact.

Dismantled radioactive lightning rods are stored in the central storage of radioactive waste.

Handling of radioactive lightning rods by unauthorized persons poses a danger for those persons, according to the Directorate. Improper storage of dismantled radioactive lightning rods also poses a great threat to the environment and the health of citizens.

– It is estimated that today there are around 570 radioactive lightning rods on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, of which over 80 percent are located on the roofs and plots of commercial and agricultural entities, while the rest are on residential buildings and public institutions. A special problem is the fact that most of the radioactive lightning rods on commercial and agricultural facilities and locations are owned by legal entities that are bankrupt or have stopped operating. During the previous years, the directorate launched several initiatives with the aim of removing all radioactive lightning rods on the territory of the Republic of Serbia – reports for "Blic"

The Law on Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security prescribes that the owners of cadastral plots and buildings on which there are radioactive lightning rods are obliged to remove them.

– Over the past decades, considering that the installation of radioactive lightning rods is prohibited by law, several campaigns were carried out at the initiative of the Directorate to remove radioactive lightning rods from residential buildings and some public institutions. Extensive actions were carried out in several major cities when radioactive lightning rods were dismantled from residential buildings and some public institutions. In the case of radioactive lightning rods on commercial buildings, the financing of their removal is left to the owners of those buildings. These campaigns significantly reduced the number of radioactive lightning rods, but most of them are still located on buildings or next to them – the Directorate for Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security of Serbia told "Blic".

The article is in Serbian

Tags: radioactive lightning rods Serbia"



(mit Video)

"3,000 lightning rods removed, what is currently protecting us?
Tesla sistemi
After the action of removing radioactive lightning rods, according to the official data of the Agency for Protection against Ionizing Radiation, about 3,000 of them were removed from the buildings. There are 600 left, of which 60 are in residential buildings. What currently protects us from lightning and who bears the costs of installing a new lightning protection installation?

When lightning strikes, there is a danger of lightning strikes, so objects higher than 30 meters must have a lightning protection installation.

Tenants in Zagorska Street 8 in New Belgrade, in a building with 13 floors and 70 apartments, have been struggling with a radioactive lightning rod for years, and due to the strong wind, it has now collapsed and broken in two places.
Video Player

"The pole itself fell on the ventilation pole, and the bar with the radioactive lightning rod fell on the roof of the solitaire. Now not only because we are exposed to the danger of radioactivity because of the ball that is directly on the roof of the solitaire, on the floor, but also because we no longer have any lightning rod ", pointed out the resident of Zagorska Street Julia Rubinstejn.

Disturbed tenants reported the problem to a professional building manager.

"A radioactive lightning rod should stand in the air, under this ball, which contains radioactive elements, there should be a lead plate that prevents the flow of radiation down to the residential building, ie all radiation should go to the atmosphere," said Dragica Sesic. manager of the Housing Association.

She states that the radioactive ball that is placed directly on the roof of the building represents a huge security risk.

In the action of removing radioactive lightning rods, about 3,000 such lightning rods were removed from the buildings.

"According to the data of the Agency for Ionizing Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety, there are about 600 radioactive lightning rods left. The Vinca Institute is in charge of dismantling, transporting and permanent storage of the radioactive lightning rod, because it is a radioactive lightning rod," said Igor Muscet from "Tesla sistem".

Faraday's cage as protection

Experts say that it is easiest to protect newer buildings from reinforced concrete from lightning, so the tenants in them do not have to be afraid of atmospheric discharges.

Homeowners have a Faraday cage as protection. A standard lightning protection installation should accept electricity and conduct it to the ground.

"When it comes to regular protection against atmospheric discharge, it is necessary to regularly inspect, visually, and perform measurements of the lightning installation and grounding. When we talk about new facilities, it is necessary to do a lightning installation project and get approval for work," concluded Muscet.

