RADTUS R103 Schlüsselbunddetektor

Begonnen von DG0MG, 12. März 2022, 15:53

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Erstmal nur der Vollständigkeit halber:

Der englische (oder irische?) youtube-Kanal "Surviving the Apocalypse", dessen Hauptthema eigentlich eine Art Zivilschutz-Beobachtungsbunker ist, hat einen "absolute fantastic" kleinen Geigerzähler vorgestellt, den er kurz vor dem Kriegsbeginn und den folgenden Sanktionen noch in Russland bestellt hat.

Den RADTUS R103.

Etwa Streichholzschachtelgroß und moderne Controllertechnik im Inneren ist der Vergleich mit dem 30 Jahre alten BIRI-2-1 nicht ganz fair. Der Akku wird per USB geladen und hält bis zu 1 Jahr. Einige Parameter können über die USB-Verbindung vom PC aus eingestellt werden. Sensor ist ein Mini-Zählrohr SBM-21, dessen geringe Empfindlichkeit das finden eines sinnvollen Einsatzzweckes m.E. aber doch sehr limitiert.

Der Preis wurde mit 86 $ angegeben, selbst wenn man das noch kaufen könnte, wäre der Preis jetzt sicher höher. Inzwischen ist aber die Webseite des Produktes gar nicht mehr erreichbar, (der Betreiber solle sich einen anderen Hoster suchen) und die russische Post transportiert wohl auch nichts mehr ins Ausland.

Im ersten Video wird die Bedienung gezeigt, hier nochmal eine Grafik dazu:

Was mich dabei schon stören würde:
Durch das gezwungene Drücken von zwei Tasten ist zwar versehentliches Ausschalten in der Hosentasche verhindert (wenn man ihn wirklich am Schlüsselbund haben sollte), aber mit dem großen Knopf allein kann man zyklisch die Modi umschalten. Ich bin sicher, dass das ungewollt passiert. Ich stelle mir vor, dass man das Gerät in den Mode 4 oder 5 setzt (also optischer und/oder akustischer Alarm bei Grenzwertüberschreitung) und dann "vergisst". Da aber im Modus 5 bereits einmaliges Drücken des großen Knopfes den Alarm-Mode beendet, ist das als Alarm-Maschine untauglich. Dabei wäre doch mit zwei Knöpfen ein Userinterface, das dieses Problem beseitigt, problemlos möglich. Irgendwie ist das nicht zu Ende gedacht.
"Bling!": Irgendjemand Egales hat irgendetwas Egales getan! Schnell hingucken!


Good day.

Excuse me for writing in English, but German is a completely "dark forest" for me.


1. Site is up and running now -- http://raddet.com
2. Postal delivery works too. There are no problems with her, and this has been tested at least on the delivery of parcels to England.
3. Some problems with payment for goods from the west. Today, the purchase can only be paid with cryptocurrency. She walks without problems, but most buyers are afraid of this payment method.
4. Additional videos can be viewed on the YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvWoJSoVTQLOnihJ6GpuWOw
5. Yes, the sensitivity is not very high, but if the general background of radioactivity is exceeded, the device confidently registers it. For example, in an airplane flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters.
6. Buttons: That's right. The map of button presses is slightly wrong, and the device modes can spontaneously (By accidental pressing) switch in a pocket or, for example, in a handbag (For which I already got hit on the head by my wife. :) ). I'll fix this shortcoming soon.
7. In addition, the device will soon receive functionality for remote upgrade of the internal software (Firmware).

And yes - I, in fact, the author and manufacturer of this device. So if you have questions or even wishes - I'm ready to listen and answer.



nice that you found this forum!   :yahoo:

Yes indeed, crypto payment is a little "spooky", as there was a lot of fraud and theft in the recent past. But unfortunately, currently there seems no other option  :(   

What is the price for it at the moment?
It seems to be a really nice device, especially when the firmware update will be released.

Is it possible to program it also by serial command line without your software, or do you use some kind of binary protocol?

If I have a background radiation of ~ 100 nSv/h, how low may I set the alarm threshold to get less than one false alarm in a week? How fast will it then react to an elevated radiation that is only slightly over the set alarm level?

All the best!



Hi, Henry

Yes indeed, crypto payment is a little "spooky", as there was a lot of fraud and theft in the recent past. But unfortunately, currently there seems to be no other option

Yes, I myself was always far from this topic, but life, now, forced me. In principle, the scheme has already been tested with one person from England, who is very well versed in the topic of cryptocurrency and who bought and is still going to buy my devices for cryptocurrency. In general, everything works. I even had an idea to make him a kind of trading agent (For some additional fee from each transaction), to which people from all over the world would deposit money in the traditional way (Paypal), and he would simply broadcast them in cryptocurrency to my crypto wallet. This would be a general solution to the problem of payments. But he refused. He said that he would go broke in taxes, since in England all transactions in cryptocurrency are monitored by the tax authorities, and significant tax payments are charged on them. Of course, I didn't know about this, since we don't have anything like that in Russia. I will continue to think about how to organize all this.

What is the price for it at the moment?

The price of the device is still the same - $75 + $7 for postage. But by how much the costs associated with payments will now increase - I do not know yet. Previously, Paypal had a commission of $ 4 for a payment.

It seems to be a really nice device, especially when the firmware update will be released.

Actually, I want to make it possible to update the firmware constantly. I used to make devices on a microcontroller that had little memory, but now I bought a batch of microcontrollers that have twice or four times more memory, so it became possible to place a bootloader in it and then update the device firmware simply via USB. True, for this I still need to write a small program for the PS.

In addition, I found a supplier of GM pipes SBM-10. They are somewhat more sensitive (have a larger volume) than SBM-21, and fit perfectly into the design of the device. But their price... In general, you can order with such tubes, but then the cost of the device will increase to about $95.

Is it possible to program it also by serial command line without your software, or do you use some kind of binary protocol?

Yes. The usual "terminal" program to work with com ports  is enough. You can enter the counter into the parameter setting mode by sending the ASCII character "Escape" to it, and then simply answer the questions of the device. Yes, but it is important to set the exchange rate correctly - 600 baud.

I am also being persuaded here to make the device compatible with the "RadMeter" program for a mobile phone. If I gather my strength, the protocol will probably change a little.

If I have a background radiation of ~ 100 nSv/h, how low may I set the alarm threshold to get less than one false alarm in a week?

3-5 CPS I think.

How fast will it then react to an elevated radiation that is only slightly over the set alarm level?

After 1 second.


SBM-10 & SBM-21

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Seems to be 20% more volume for > 20% more price?

The tube is tiny, even the larger one. It will not change the capabilities of the device significantly, so...   :umnik2:


I am not the manufacturer of GM tubes and not I am do dictate the prices for them (As for me, I always thought that the prices for GM tubes are overpriced and exceed normal price at least 10 times. At all manufacturers around the world. A flask in which there is a little noble gas with small impurities at a pressure slightly below atmospheric... They shouldn't cost that much. But -- they do.).

So... The questions are not for me. I'm just working  with what is.


Zitat von: Raddet am 28. April 2022, 16:58I am not the manufacturer of GM tubes and not I am do dictate the prices for them (As for me, I always thought that the prices for GM tubes are overpriced and exceed normal price at least 10 times. At all manufacturers around the world. A flask in which there is a little noble gas with small impurities at a pressure slightly below atmospheric... They shouldn't cost that much. But -- they do.).

So... The questions are not for me. I'm just working  with what is.


yes I know...  :)

Btw., there is a page from a german manufacturer of GM tubes who shows in detail the manufacturing process. There is a lot of hand work and sophisticated processes, and also there is not a very large quantity of these tubes produced. If you see it, the high price begins to make sense.


Same is with photomultiplier tubes which are very expensive, but what I don't really understand is why there are some that cost 1200,- new and others can be bought for 30,- new  :unknw:


Btw., there is a page from a german manufacturer of GM tubes who shows in detail the manufacturing process.

I know what the process looks like. Even when I was studying at an institute in the USSR (https://mipt.ru/english/), we had such a laboratory work in our fourth year - independent production of a GM pipe. I was made it myself. Then, a couple of decades later, being furious with the prices of GM pipes, I tried to find a description of this laboratory work, in which the entire recipe for their manufacture was given. I wanted to arrange production himself. But it turned out that such a laboratory work has not been any more in my Alma Mater for a long time, and I could not find a description of that laboratory work.

but what I don't really understand is why there are some that cost 1200,- new and others can be bought for 30,- new

You don't understand correctly. Tubes SHOULD NOT BE that expensive. There is nothing in the technological process that cannot be automated. As a result, they could cost a couple of tens of cents apiece. But - apparently this is not profitable, because there is no mass market for them. It's a pity... :(


Hier habe ich meinem Gerät eine Option für Lotterieliebhaber hinzugefügt. Absolut zufällige Zahlen im Bereich von 0 bis 20. Sie können 0-36 und 0-45 und im Allgemeinen bis zu 0-255 erstellen.

(Ich habe eine Tüte Uranglasperlen verwendet, damit die Zahlen schneller herausfallen.)


Ich würde mir wünschen, dass er die Zahlen über den Piezo in Morsezeichen ausgibt!  :yahoo:

"Bling!": Irgendjemand Egales hat irgendetwas Egales getan! Schnell hingucken!


Zitat von: Raddet am 26. November 2022, 17:53Hier habe ich meinem Gerät eine Option für Lotterieliebhaber hinzugefügt. Absolut zufällige Zahlen im Bereich von 0 bis 20. Sie können 0-36 und 0-45 und im Allgemeinen bis zu 0-255 erstellen.
Super spannend solche Random Number Generators zu bauen. Darf ich fragen wie das in etwa implementiert ist? Nimmst du die Zeit zwischen Zerfällen zur Berechnung her?


Zitat von: DG0MG am 26. November 2022, 18:04Ich würde mir wünschen, dass er die Zahlen über den Piezo in Morsezeichen ausgibt!  :yahoo:

Es ist möglich. Doch was sollen Menschen tun, die mit den tiefsten Geheimnissen des Amateurfunks nicht vertraut sind? (Ich selbst besaß einmal das magische Geheimnis des Morsecodes (ex UA3ABI), aber vor sehr langer Zeit. Und selbst dann - nicht mehr als 45-50 Zeichen pro Minute.)

1. Ich habe die Reichweite geändert. Die Zufallszahlen beginnen jetzt bei eins.
2. Ich habe versucht zu spielen. Hier haben wir eine solche Lotterie - "(4 von 20) x 2", eine Ziehung alle drei Stunden. Die erste Kombination von Ziffern (8 Ziffern), die das Dosimeter ausgab, gewann. Bei einem Preis von €4 pro Ticket betrug der Gewinn €5.  :D


Zitat von: Raddet am 26. November 2022, 21:01Doch was sollen Menschen tun, die mit den tiefsten Geheimnissen des Amateurfunks nicht vertraut sind?

Die dürfen auch Lotto spielen, müssen aber Geburtstage der Familie als Tipzahlen nehmen. Deshalb sind 1-12 und 1-31 überrepräsentiert und die Gewinne eher klein, weil sich viele Leute einen Gewinn teilen müssen.
Am besten, sie lernen deshalb auch Morsecode. ;)
"Bling!": Irgendjemand Egales hat irgendetwas Egales getan! Schnell hingucken!


Zitat von: NuclearPhoenix am 26. November 2022, 20:32Darf ich fragen wie das in etwa implementiert ist? Nimmst du die Zeit zwischen Zerfällen zur Berechnung her?

Ja, absolut richtig. Es wurde also umgesetzt. Im Inneren des Mikrocontrollers dreht sich einer der Hardwarezähler des Mikrocontrollers wild und zählt nur die Prozessortaktfrequenz (in meinem Fall 128 Kilohertz). Von 0 bis zum eingestellten Wert. Bei Erreichen des eingestellten Wertes wird der Zähler per Hardware auf Null zurückgesetzt und beginnt erneut zu zählen. In dem Moment, in dem das Teilchen ankommt, schnappt sich der Prozessor einfach den Momentanwert des Zählers und gibt ihn über das Terminal aus.